Mondo Community Warriors is a non-denominational, not-for-profit, income tax-exempt charity servicing disadvantaged charities and individuals in Australia. The Warriors exist to provide fundraising support to these critical charities and individuals within Australia as a fast fundraising response by helping financially or creating fundraising events through hospitality-related adventures to raise money. The Warriors are a volunteer-driven organisation ensuring every dollar donated is passed directly to its recipient charities.
The Warriors employ no staff and have no office overheads ensuring they meet its founding principles. Being one of the newest tax-deductible charities in Australia, we will be building our partnerships with companies, associations and individuals during the coming years. We hope you will choose to become one of our partners in this endeavour and we welcome corporate and individual support.
Vince Garreffa P:0411 881 193 |
Michael Tamburri P:0407388878 |
Stephan Jenner P: 041793858 |